Monday, September 23, 2019
Shelf Awareness--Alma and the Beast
PB Review: Alma and the Beast
Alma and the Beast by Esmé Shapiro (Tundra Books , 44p., ages 3-7, 9780735263963)
Alma and the Beast's main character, an endearing creature covered with long, swirling gray tresses, wakes to a day "like any other." On this seemingly ordinary morning, Alma feeds her "plumpooshkie butterfly," braids the trees, combs the grass and pets the long, silky hair of the roof, "as one does when the days grow chilly and pink." But Alma soon finds that there is "something strange" in the garden. There appears to be a "hairless, button-nose beast" lurking about. Alma tries hiding but, "because beasts do not always go away when you close your eyes," the beast does not disappear. Instead, she insists that she's "TERRIBLY, TREMENDOUSLY STUPENDOUSLY LOST" and needs Alma's help to get home.
Once Alma understands that the beast is sad rather than scary, she leads her through some very hairy landscapes until the pair finally reach "a grand, whimpering, weeping willow." They go up the tree and down the other side, until they stand before the beast's "marvelous" but decidedly "bald" home. Here, Alma enjoys gardens that are watered not combed, roofs that are painted not petted, and hedges that can be trimmed rather than braided. Eventually, the day winds down, and Alma begins to "miss her hairy home."
Esmé Shapiro's (Ooko) gorgeous watercolor, gouache and pencil illustrations allow this story to soar, her boldly colorful palette and textured details bringing Alma to fantastical life. In this charming picture book, which celebrates the broadening of one's borders, Alma's day ends as it began, "like any other," but not before she hugs her new human friend, Mala, having learned that everyone--even "beasts"--have names. --Lynn Becker, blogger and host of Book Talk, a monthly online discussion of children's books for SCBWI.
Discover: When a strange "beast" gets lost in Alma's garden, Alma learns to appreciate the ways in which her new friend is different.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Shelf Awareness--The Star Shepherd
MG Review: The Star Shepherd
The Star Shepherd by Dan Haring and MarcyKate Connolly (Sourcebooks, 320p., ages 8-12, 9781492658207)
Soon after the world was first formed, the Seven Elders hung stars "from hooks fastened to the sky." These stars formed a "wide net of light with beams connecting star to star," in order to shield people from "unspeakable horrors that thrived in the darkness." Centuries later, the original burlap casings began to wear out, and it fell to Star Shepherds to "catapult... the stars back into the sky."
When Kyro's mom died five years ago, his father, Tirin, honored her by sending a star back to the heavens in her name. Tirin became a Star Shepherd, but, as time went on, it seemed as if each newly fallen star became a reminder of his loss. Now, all Kyro wants is to "protect the stars" alongside his father and to be allowed to "feel like a part of his own family again," but Tirin barely even notices his son. When unprecedented numbers of stars begin falling and legendary monsters resurface, Tirin disappears, leaving his beloved watchtower in the hands of his worried son. As days go by and Tirin fails to return, Kyro, accompanied by his good friend Andra and his faithful pup Cypher, sets out to find his father and, while he's at it, discover who's been cutting down the stars.
Haring and Connolly have crafted an inviting fantasy that combines the epic feel of a creation myth with plenty of monsters to fight and monumental wrongs to right. Kyro's love--for his father and for the stars--stays strong and, like the best of heroes, he takes his quest seriously. Originally envisioned as an animated film, this handsome volume is adorned with plenty of spot art and striking, full-page illustrations and is likely to draw in younger middle-grade readers as well as tween fantasy lovers. --Lynn Becker, blogger and host of Book Talk, a monthly online discussion of children's books for SCBWI.
Discover: Kyro, the son of a star shepherd, must find his missing father and figure out why so many stars have begun falling from the sky in this illustrated middle grade fantasy.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
September Recommendations
BEVERLY, RIGHT HERE is Kate DiCamillo’s follow up to her two recent novels, RAYMIE NIGHTINGALE and LOUISIANA’S WAY HOME, about three young Florida “rancheros" who meet at baton twirling classes. In this third story, 14-year-old Beverly Tapinski leaves home after her dog Buddy dies. Her mom barely notices. Beverly makes it to Tamaray Beach, where she finds a a job in Mr. C's fish restaurant, and a place to stay with a lonely old woman who lives in a pink trailer and appreciates Beverly's company. The prose in this novel feels pared down and spare, and, while I was reading, I wondered if perhaps too many things were being left unsaid. But, once I was finished, it felt simply perfect—not one word too few or too many in this wonderful balancing act of the author knowing how to trust her readers. (MG)
OWL’S OUTSTANDING DONUTS, by Robin Yardi, features an owl who loves donuts with pink icing. He also loves his Big Sur home, so when two shady figures in a white truck dump a load of “stinky slop” into a ditch by the side Highway One, Alfred (the owl) interrupts his midnight snack to enlist the help of Mattie, a young girl who lives in the airstream next to his favorite donut shop. Mattie and her friends launch an investigation into the crime, and they have exactly eight days before school starts to save the nearby creek (and drinking water in the area), find "the real gloppers,” and clear Aunt Molly’s name and so she won’t have to sell the donut shop. It's a sweet example of magical realism meets environmental activism. (MG)
Picture Books:
In WHO WET MY PANTS? written by Bob Shea and illustrated by Zachariah Ohora, when Reuben discovers a wet spot on his pants, he demands to know who is responsible. Even though it “was probably just an accident” and his “super great friends" are completely understanding, Reuben insists that “NO ONE gets donuts" until he gets "justice and dry pants.” Kids will love it when they figure out the mystery of the wet pants, and they’ll surely relate to Reuben’s approach to managing his embarrassment. This funny, kid-friendly tirade is told strictly through dialog, and rendered with colorful acrylic illustrations that include plenty of speech bubbles.
In WHO WET MY PANTS? written by Bob Shea and illustrated by Zachariah Ohora, when Reuben discovers a wet spot on his pants, he demands to know who is responsible. Even though it “was probably just an accident” and his “super great friends" are completely understanding, Reuben insists that “NO ONE gets donuts" until he gets "justice and dry pants.” Kids will love it when they figure out the mystery of the wet pants, and they’ll surely relate to Reuben’s approach to managing his embarrassment. This funny, kid-friendly tirade is told strictly through dialog, and rendered with colorful acrylic illustrations that include plenty of speech bubbles.
FOX AND THE BOX, by Yvonne Ivinson, is the story of a fox—with a box-- at the seaside, who wants to use his tail for a sail. But “Oh no! Tail sail fail.” Good thing there’s a “sail for sale." Told in very few words, sometimes only one to a page, this is a completely realized, magical summertime adventure, and another example of terrific illustrations rendered with acrylic paint.
TWO BROTHERS, FOUR HANDS: THE ARTISTS ALBERTO AND DIEGO GIACOMETTI, by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan, illustrated by Hadley Hooper, tells an inspiring dual biography of these talented brothers who worked together for most of their lives. It describes Alberto’s journey to becoming a respected artist, and how he was helped along the way by Diego, who eventually came to be recognized in his own right. The text is clear, the illustrations (paint and ink, finished in Photoshop) make expert use of color and line, and the book, with its thick paper and thoughtful design, is itself a work of art.
In CAMP TIGER, written by Susan Choi, illustrated by John Rocco, it’s time for this family of four to enjoy their annual camping trip at Mountain Pond. Except this time, while they're pitching their tent, a tiger joins them. Good thing dad brought an extra tent. Choi weaves a thoughtful, yet fantastical, tale (one which should prove—again--that kids will eagerly sit through a rewarding story longer than 500 words), and Roccos watercolor, pencil, and digital illustrations bring it expertly to life.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
September's Book of the Month--A Big Mooncake for Little Star
September's Book of the Month is A Big Mooncake for Little Star, by Grace Lin.
In this Caldecott Honor Book, Little Star’s mama bakes a Big Mooncake for Little Star, and places it “onto the night sky to cool.” When Mama asks Little Star not to touch until she gets permission, Little Star agrees. She washes, brushes, and goes to sleep. But, when Little Star wakes during the night, she can only think of her Big Mooncake sitting there in the sky. So…pat pat pat, she tiptoes over and takes "a tiny nibble.” The next night, Little Star remembers how “sweet and tasty” that piece of Mooncake was, and the next night, and the next night, too, until Little Star's Big Mooncake is all gone, except for “a trail of twinkling crumbs.” When her smiling mama asks if Little Star “ate the Big Mooncake again,” Little Star agrees, smiling back at Mama, and off they go to make another Big Mooncake for Little Star.
This cyclical, original fable feels timeless, yet also fresh and new. I enjoy the gentle way Little Star’s “bad” behavior is received, as if this is a joke the two have played on each other many times before. The illustrations are striking, with painterly renderings of the characters both blending in and standing out amid the star-dotted black backgrounds of the sky. Two-thirds of the way through, readers are treated to a view of all the phases of the moon which Little Star nibbles her way through, simultaneously in one gorgeous double page spread.
In this Caldecott Honor Book, Little Star’s mama bakes a Big Mooncake for Little Star, and places it “onto the night sky to cool.” When Mama asks Little Star not to touch until she gets permission, Little Star agrees. She washes, brushes, and goes to sleep. But, when Little Star wakes during the night, she can only think of her Big Mooncake sitting there in the sky. So…pat pat pat, she tiptoes over and takes "a tiny nibble.” The next night, Little Star remembers how “sweet and tasty” that piece of Mooncake was, and the next night, and the next night, too, until Little Star's Big Mooncake is all gone, except for “a trail of twinkling crumbs.” When her smiling mama asks if Little Star “ate the Big Mooncake again,” Little Star agrees, smiling back at Mama, and off they go to make another Big Mooncake for Little Star.
This cyclical, original fable feels timeless, yet also fresh and new. I enjoy the gentle way Little Star’s “bad” behavior is received, as if this is a joke the two have played on each other many times before. The illustrations are striking, with painterly renderings of the characters both blending in and standing out amid the star-dotted black backgrounds of the sky. Two-thirds of the way through, readers are treated to a view of all the phases of the moon which Little Star nibbles her way through, simultaneously in one gorgeous double page spread.