WOLF HOLLOW, by Lauren Wolk, is one of my very favorite books of 2016. Twelve-year-old Annabelle lives a quiet life in rural Pennsylvania, until Betty Glengarry shows up with all of her cruel, bullying ways. Annabelle must protect her two small brothers, and also the shell-shocked WWl veteran, Toby, even when town sentiment tries to dictate otherwise. Annabelle’s courage and compassion will touch readers, as she learns to stand up for what she knows is right, in this pitch-perfect coming of age story. (MG)
Delia Sherman (Changeling) has written another amusing, offbeat magical fantasy in THE EVIL WIZARD SMALLBONE. When Nick runs away from his horrible uncle in the middle of a blizzard, he takes refuge at a magical shop called Evil Wizard Books. The resident wizard makes Nick his apprentice, but refuses to teach him any magic. Luckily the bookstore does so instead. Nearby residents include a town of eerily similar people (supposedly under the protection of Nick’s master, the Evil Wizard Smallbone) as well as the Evil Wizard Fidelou with his pack of evil shape-shifting bikers. A fun story examining whether an evil wizard can also be good, the qualities necessary for success, and the importance of writing one’s own story. (MG)
With intriguing, flawed characters and a gripping storyline, WRECKED, by Maria Padian, explores a college rape case in which alcohol is involved, evidence is scarce, and social-media insults are flying. Alternating chapters reflect the perspectives of Haley, roommate of the accuser, and Richard, housemate of the accused, who are also—very inconveniently—developing a sweet, stormy, and wholly believable romance. Powerful, suspenseful, and timely—don't miss this one! (YA)
Picture Books
ONE DAY, THE END: Short, Very Short, Shorter-than-Ever Stories, written by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, illustrated by Fred Koehler, takes a fascinating look at what happens when a picture book text is pared down to its barest essentials, allowing the illustrations to provide all of the—fun-- details. It’s worth studying just for that, but it’s also a completely entertaining homage to the art of storytelling itself.
THEY ALL SAW A CAT, by Brendan Wenzel, is a beautifully illustrated musing on perspective, specifically the many different ways a roaming kitty appears to the many different animals—and one human—who encounter it.
In A CHILD OF BOOKS, artists Oliver Jeffers (The Day the Crayons Quit) and Sam Winston use typography, watercolor, pencil, and digital collage to create a magical story celebrating the power of imagination. It's a stunning collaboration by for the older picture book crowd to enjoy.