Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September's Book of the Month--Dig

September’s Book of the Month is DIG, the 2020 Printz Award winner by A. S. King.

Told from multiple points of view, DIG boasts quite a cast of characters. There are: The Shoveler, who always carries around the eponymous (reverse-eponymous?) item, even to high school, The Freak, who “flickers” from one place/continent/climate to the next, to keep a step ahead of danger, Malcom, whose beach bum stoner dad has terminal cancer, CanIhelpYou? who sells fast food and drugs through the Arby’s Drive-Thru window, Loretta who aims to escape a dysfunctional home by training her own flea circus, and the very frightening, very sad, Bill and Jake, who give no fucks.

They—and their supporting players—populate this complex story of the toxic culture they inherited, and how they might possibly fight their way out. Because, way back, at the start of everything, there was: Marla and Gottfried, whose carefully hoarded wealth comes from Gottfried screwing his family out of their successful potato farm.

A. S. King is a master of surrealism. Her I CRAWL THROUGH IT is completely bizarre, even as it makes total sense. DIG is a similarly wild ride, both challenging and memorable, and chock full of King's trademark creativity. It’s got plenty to say about a whole range of issues, including racism and misogyny. I read it, and then I sat back down and read it again.


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