Monday, August 28, 2023

August's Book of the Month--The Sharing Book

August’s Book of the Month is just the thing as summer winds down and we head into fall:

Sun is perfect for mornings.
Clouds are just right for the sky.
Wonder is waiting to happen and…
TODAY, this day, is for sharing.

THE SHARING BOOK, written by Dianne White and illustrated by Simone Shin, offers a smooth segue into cooler days when hiking isn’t quite so sweaty and cozy nights might be spent making music around a campfire. The rhythmic, lilting text unfolds with a series of gentle surprises, and colorful, stylized mixed media art ably conveys all the joys of this delightful experience. From sunrise to sunset and beyond, the diverse group of campers depicted here enjoy their time in nature, sharing friendship, meals, adventure, and much, much more.

I reached out to Dianne about her process for writing THE SHARING BOOK, and she kindly shared this:

"Almost all of the picture books I’ve published arrived by way of a few words that catch my attention. Sometimes those words are part of a conversation I’ve had, sometimes they’re related to something I’ve seen or overheard. Sometimes a phrase literally drops into my head. However it happens, when it does, it’s like a small seed that might, with some coaxing, lead to a new story.

"But, that’s only the beginning. In order for those words to grow into a picture book, I will need to spend a lot of time thinking about the shape the story might take.

"In the case of The Sharing Book, it meant months of playing with the words to land on the frame that I would use for each of the stanzas/vignettes in the book. Once that question was settled, I would then spend more time considering which particular moments I’d include - friends, laughter, adventure, music - and so on.

I hope readers enjoy the heartwarming illustrations Simone Shin ( created to accompany the text and will be reminded of their own special moments shared with family and friends."


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