Monday, August 19, 2024

August's Book of the Month--Ahoy!

August 2024's Book of the Month is AHOY!, a gem of a book about the joy of imaginative play by two-time Caldecott winner Sophie Blackall.

When a parent who’s vacuuming wants to know what their child is playing, the answer is a definitive “I’M NOT PLAYING!” Apparently, there’s a storm coming: the rug is a rising ocean, and the parent is instructed not to dillydally or they’ll both be eaten by sharks. The pair happily draw a map, raise a mainsail, hoist a burgee, and swab a poop deck. They set sail in a fabulous vessel (laundry-filled basket and chairs), but when the phone rings, they hit the doldrums. Soon, though, they’re at it again, as a giant squid attacks right before the storm rolls in—and they end up on an iceberg! Luckily, a distress signal brings help, and it’s “not a moment too soon!”

A universe of fun fills these pages as imagination transforms chore time—and the living room—into the scene of a fantastical, seafaring adventure. Blackall brilliantly brings AHOY! to life with a text that’s all dialogue and energy, and enriched by fun nautical terms. The illustrations are bright, whimsical, endearing, and equally energetic, and the roly-poly, hatted characters look like they could be toys themselves. Color and line-work are superb, as always. Be sure to take note of gorgeous endpapers and look under the dust jacket.

As someone whose kids made royal thrones out of egg cartons, I love a good book about imaginative play, and this one does not disappoint. It’s sparkling, creative, dynamic—don’t miss it!


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