Friday, August 9, 2024
Shelf Awareness--We Are Definitely Human
PB Review: We Are Definitely Human
We Are Definitely Human by X. Fang (Tundra Books, 48p., ages 4-8, 9781774882023)
We Are Definitely Human is a fabulously illustrated, rib-tickling, and affecting picture book in which Mr. Li and his neighbors demonstrate the potential of kindness and cooperative spirit.
It's midnight when something crashes outside Mr. and Mrs. Li's house. Mr. Li investigates, only to find three strangers with "very big" eyes, "very blue" skin, and body shapes that are "very hard to describe." But Mr. Li doesn't worry because these strangers "are DEFINITELY human." Their spaceship (er, "car") has broken down and since Mr. Li is "a kind human," he offers to help. Mr. Li drives his guests to the store, and the people shopping there do "what kind humans do." They offer to help. Before long, there's a party in the woods, with food and dancing and "interesting conversations." At last, the repairs are made, and everyone waves goodbye. The car "float[s] higher and higher until it disappear[s] among the stars." The three visitors reflect on "the kindness of humans, [who] do what kind humans do--offer help to anyone who needs it."
X. Fang (Dim Sum Palace) has made an out-of-this-world picture book that features hilariously deadpan aliens and charming, though (maybe?) clueless, human protagonists (plus one wisely skeptical dog). Outrageously giggle-inducing dialogue from the aliens is characterized by non sequiturs and garbled syntax, and Fang revels in the disconnect between human expectations and alien quirks. Mixed media illustrations in strong purples, yellows, blues, and greens are a delight. This book's wonderful message of offering help where help is needed is wisely and gracefully delivered. --Lynn Becker, reviewer, blogger, and children's book author.
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