Tuesday, September 24, 2024

BUTTERNUT & THE FLYING BUTTER: Interview with Author Jill Dana and a Giveaway!

BUTTERNUT & THE FLYING BUTTER is the third book in Jill’s Butternut series, and this time around Butternut learns to manage his fears with the help of his supermarket friends.

When it’s time for the Spring Plant Show (“a berry nice time,” according to the blueberries), Butternut really wants to go, but he’s afraid of the supermarket’s sliding glass doors closing on him, smooshing him, or trapping him outside his home.

But Butternut really wants to see the Flying Butter perform at the show, so he asks his BFF Buttercup to help. Together, Butternut and Buttercup gather their friends Dragonfruit, Horseradish, and Elderberry, and all work hard to settle Butternut’s nerves. They give him strategies, like singing and counting, and on the big day, Butternut visualizes his success, recites his affirmations, and gives it a go.

And, when a butterfly is accidentally trapped in the Supermarket, Butternut knows just what to do!

The useful backmatter includes discussion questions and a guide to butterfly gardening.

Jill has generously agreed to donate a copy of BUTTERNUT & THE FLYING BUTTER to one lucky winner who comments below!

Hi Jill, thank you for joining me on the blog to talk about your new book, the third in your Butternut series, called BUTTERNUT & THE FLYING BUTTER! So how did you begin writing about veggies, anyway?

My first story about produce was actually in film school. I made a 1-minute stop-motion movie about a little lost pear. I’ve always loved nature and plants. Fruits and vegetables come in so many shapes, colors, sizes, and many have interesting names.

Later I was inspired by my elementary school students. Many of them didn’t know where food comes from. Many didn’t know what produce looks like in whole form or about different varieties of produce. There were many inspirations.

Did you always think of the Butternut books as a series?

I did always think of it as a series. It was a dream, of course, that I didn’t know would become a reality. I wrote the first full manuscript of Butternut in 2013. I had ideas for other books in the series, especially the potential titles of books. I also wrote a different version of Butternut that was an early highly-illustrated chapter book version.

When I submitted the manuscript to Marshall Cavendish, they were looking for early chapter book series. I submitted that version but mentioned in my query letter that I also had a picture book version. The editor requested the picture book manuscript. She preferred that version and the rest is history.

Can you tell us about your path to publication?

As noted earlier, I attended film school. After film school, I wrote stories that I realized seemed suited to the children’s book world. I researched children’s book publishing and discovered the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. I joined SCBWI. In 2009, I attended my first SCBWI Florida regional conference. There I met many wonderful book creators and I really embarked on my children’s book writing and illustrating journey.

I worked on my craft and submitted manuscripts. I received many rejections, but kept learning, meeting other book creators, and refining my craft. In 2014, my first book, HER PINK HAIR, was published by Guardian Angel Publishing. I both wrote and illustrated HER PINK HAIR and its companion book, HER BROWN HAIR. Both books are very special to me. They’re not currently available (since Guardian Angel Publishing is no longer in business), but I hope to re-release them someday (or find a new home for them with another traditional publisher).

You share a lot of kid—and adult—friendly food facts on social media. Do you compile them on your website, or is there another way readers can access them?

I love learning food facts. I focus on food facts about fruits and vegetables. Some are produce that are also fictional characters in the Butternut books. They’re all available on my Instagram page @JillDanaBooks. Plus, if you search the hashtag #FunFoodFactsFriday, a bunch should pop up on your search page. That’s another way to find them. I post weekly. Follow my page if you enjoy learning facts about foods too.

Any other books on the horizon? What are you working on now?

Yes, there are other Butternut series books in the works. The illustrator of BUTTERNUT & THE FLYING BUTTER (book three of the series), and later Butternut books, Anusha Santosh, and I can’t wait to share them with readers of all ages. The fourth Butternut book is called BUTTERNUT & BOBO. We’re so excited to introduce readers to Bobo, a new character in the series.

There’s also another picture book, BERNARDO, which is about a dog (not part of Butternut’s supermarket world), that’s far along in the illustration process. (The illustrator is Renate Potter.) He’s an adorable character. I’m a huge dog lover, so I’m super excited for that book too. Follow me on social media to stay updated on all my book news.

I’m also writing and revising other manuscripts.

Finally, I gotta ask—what’s your favorite fruit or vegetable? And would you rather have that — or dessert???

I love fruits and vegetables. I don’t really have one favorite. One of my favorite fruits is apples. I especially like apples that are crispy. While researching apples for #FunFoodFactsFriday, I learned that there are 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide.

One of my favorite vegetables is the artichoke. I discovered many really interesting facts when researching artichokes too.

I also enjoy desserts. Do I have to choose? Fruit can be a delicious dessert also. If I picked a non-fruit-based dessert and wanted to be extra extravagant, I’d choose crème-brulee boba tea.

Thanks for interviewing me, Lynn! Your questions were fun to answer. And thank you for introducing the Butternut series to readers of your blog!

Jill Dana loves gardens, especially the garden in her backyard. She loves to discover new blooms and little creatures. Jill hopes the BUTTERNUT books plant the seeds for joy, creativity, and compassion in readers of all ages. Jill holds a Master of Fine Arts in Film and Television Production and a Master of Education in Elementary Education plus TESOL. She is a member of @PictureBookGold, @PBSunrays, SCBWI, and a Rate Your Story judge. Learn more about Jill at www.JillDanaBooks.com and @JillDanaBooks.

To order a copy:
Barnes and Noble


  1. Jill - congrats on another Butternut book! I love funny and punny books, and yours are such fun! It was great hearing about your journey! Best - melissatrempebooks@gmail.com
